Logo Familotel - Deine Familienhotels

Legal Notice


Hotel Deichkrone - Familotel Nordsee
Your Cheerful Family Hotel

Flüthörn 2a | 26506 Norden-Norddeich | Deutschland
phone +49 (0)4931 9282828
fax +49 (0)4931 9282888

Proprietor: Hotel Deichkrone GmbH
Managing Director: Kirstin Klug-Fröhlich
District Court Aurich | Commercial Register B 201968
VAT No.: DE 278040532
Appropriate Controlling Authority: County Aurich

Responsible for content
according to § 5 TMG and §18 para. 2 MStV:

Stefan Fröhlich

Liability for contents

The contents on our sites were set up with utmost care. For correctness, completeness and up-to-dateness of the contents, no liability is assumed. As service provider we are responsible for own contents on these sites by general law according to the German Teleservices Act § 7 art. 1. According to §§ 8 to 10 German Teleservices Act (TMG), we as service provider, however, have no obligation to monitor submitted and gathered external information or search for facts that hint at illegal activities. Obligations of removing or blocking the utilization of information by general law remain unaffected. However, liabilities concerning this matter are possible not until the time of knowledge of a concrete violation of law. After a corresponding violation of law became known, we will promptly remove those contents.

Graphical Design:

Advertising Agency VON DER SEE GmbH

Technical Implementation + CMS:

Advertising Agency VON DER SEE GmbH

Image rights & Copyright:

© 2024 Hotel Deichkrone GmbH.
The material on our homepage is copyrighted by Hotel Deichkrone. All rights reserved. The following conditions and other laws or regulations applicable to the Internet or the World Wide Web apply to all users of and visitors to this website. You may not distribute, modify, transmit, republish or otherwise use any content of the website for public or commercial purposes without the written permission of Hotel Deichkrone. Your access to the website is subject to applicable laws. By accessing the website you accept the conditions without restriction or reservation and recognise that other agreements between you and Hotel Deichkrone regarding the subject matter are thereby superseded.
We would like to thank our photographers Nell & Marc Jones (https://jones-art.eu/) for the photos used. We have also used some photos from Adobe Stock (former Fotolia) (https://stock.adobe.com/) and iStock (https://www.istockphoto.com/de), which are further protected by copyright.

Information Obligation According to ODR-Decree (Decree EU Nr. 524/2013), § 36 VSBG:

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS), which can be found at https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/. This online dispute resolution (ODR) option is intended to offer a simple, efficient, fast and cost-effective out-of-court solution for disputes (ODR procedure). The details can be found in the link above. Our company is generally prepared to participate in the dispute resolution procedure. Consumers have the option of contacting the following bodies for the purpose of arbitration: Federal Universal Arbitration Board, Zentrum für Schlichtung e.V., Straßburger Str. 8, 77694 Kehl - https://www.universalschlichtungsstelle.de/english - mail@verbraucher-schlichter.de or to the EU's online dispute resolution platform for out-of-court dispute resolution at https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/. Our email address for dispute resolution is sf(at)hotel-deichkrone. de